Westlife Food to put in sun rooftop panels

Westlife Food to put in sun rooftop panels

by admin- Friday, June 2nd, 2023 04:02:52 PM


Westlife Foodworld owner and operator of McDonald’s eating places in West and South India will step by step installation rooftop sun panels on one-1/3 of its new eating places in FY24. This pass is a part of the company’s aim to growth using renewable energy.

In the last two years, Westlife has reduced its carbon footprint through sixteen,308 tonne through saving 19.58 million units of power, comparable to planting 749,086 timber. Westlife’s decreased reliance on non-renewable assets bodes well for its operational efficiencies by saving energy and reducing down the discharge of loads of tonne of CO2, which further allows in decreasing climate risk.

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